Monday, August 29, 2011

Ice Girl

I didn't post this earlier, but I am going to be an Ontario Reign Ice Girl this hockey season! They are a part of the ECHL which is basically minor league hockey. They are affiliated with the LA Kings and sponsored by EO Tan. Which means I get to be tan all winter thanks to free airbrush tanning! Dream come true. There a six of us total and we all met one another and went to the beach yesterday. It was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to getting to know them better through out the season. I am also the proud owner of hockey skates. This should be fun to watch!

Ice Girls at the beach. New friends!

Thank you Play it Again Sports

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

KittyCats Galore

I am house sitting for my aunt and uncle this week. They have a million cats! Borderline cat hoarder. There are three kittens and three full grown cats held hostage in their house this week. It is a struggle to try and keep them from escaping every time I go over to feed them and clean the litter boxes.

Along with the SIX in the house, there are four or five cats that my aunt  puts food out on the porch for every night. She has also named these "strays".... In my opinion, if you feed them and they have names, they are yours--even if they don't come inside the house--but I wasn't about to argue with her.

This is bandit, or rascal. I don't remember. He was my favorite kitten though because he was always happy to see me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


not working. the beach. crab cooker. Courtney and I are living the dream.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Busy Day!

Along with my room getting finished, Heather and her baby Jake came over to play. He is the cutest! So happy and easy going. By the end of the day he was following me around everywhere. =)
Harper and Jake like to float!

Jake only smiles for .2 seconds when you are trying to take a picture. We were having some difficulties.


Sound of Settling

I thought I would get myself clean and organized. I am going to be at home for a while, so it is time to get things in order. The office/my room isn't cutting it. Time to make it my own again. It took all day long yesterday. I started at 1130 am and I was working until around 10 at night. Worth it though--my room looks like me again! I moved the bookshelf, cleaned out under the bed, took the dusty old desk to the garage and moved my favorite piece of furniture into it's place. Today I went shopping with my mom, and for under $100 dollars, I bought a new quilt and curtains and developed new pictures to put in all my frames! I love it. Feels like home. I will be able to be productive in this room. =)

Clean and Pretty Room!

The vanity lives! I love this.

My sophomore/junior year of college in a collage nutshell.

Close up of my quilt!

Since that is out of the way,  I need to clean my resume and find a job!